NEW MUSIC VIDEO: Pax & Pry – “True and You Know It”
Today marks the world-premiere of the first Pax & Pry music video, and boy did they do it proper! Director Mike Fugers simply killed the visuals. The single is called “True and You Know It,” and it’s off their 2007 debut self-titled album.
The digital version of their full-length is available for free download at, and the vinyl version (limited to 300 numbered copies) is available here at Beats Broke for only $12.99. Yes, we ship worldwide!
Kraak & Smaak on Rhapsody Commercial
Rhapsody premiered a brand spanking new commercial two weeks ago during the MTV VMA’s which has been getting hella play in the US. Featured is the song “Squeeze Me” by Netherlands artists Kraak & Smaak. Yeah! I can’t get enough of Kraak & Smaak, and I had to share the Dutch connect.
Also in the ad is a song by some dude named “David Bowie.” Whoever he is, he’ll never make it in the biz with a boring name like that…
Here’s the commercial currently running:
And here’s the video for the single “Sqeeze Me”:
Label Feature on Dutch Website 3VOOR12
Bas van Duren at 3VOOR12, a popular Dutch music source, ran a label feature on Beats Broke. Unfortunately for our English-only readers, the article is entirely in Dutch. However, you can use a free translation site to get the jist of the story. I think Inf called me a “slave driver.”
Or, just give Inf a call and he’ll personally translate it for you (then talk sweet to your girl). He’s a smooth operator.
Beats Broke Feature:
“Iedere muziekliefhebber kent de stad Austin in Texas. Het SXSW-festival is al jarenlang een fenomeen en met “The Live Music Capital of the World” als slogan, moet Austin wel een muzikaal paradijs zijn. Minder bekend in Nederland is het Beats Broke-label van Ryan Goeller. Vanuit Austin heeft Goeller vijf Utrechtse hiphopartiesten gestrikt: Arts the Beatdoctor, Kapabel, Inf en Pax & Pry. Naast internet-releases kent Beats Broke een fysieke release: de Progressions EP van Arts the Beatdoctor. Maar hoe heeft een boomlange Amerikaan hiphop uit Utrecht gevonden? Internet?”
Beats Broke Interview on Austin Sound Check
Ana Wolken over at Austin Sound Check ran a feature on Beats Broke a few days ago. That girl loves her hip-hop, and we love her.
Here’s what she had to say:
“When most people think of Austin Music, they don’t often associate our fair town with hip-hop. Austin-based label Beats Broke is swimming against the current of Austin Music and bringing something new and refreshing to the table. Beats Broke works almost exclusively with hip-hop artists from The Netherlands.
Ryan Goeller, founder of Beats Broke, recently took some time to answer questions about what influenced him to work with Dutch artists as well as US contemporaries that he’s currently jamming. Read below for the interview, along with information on the new album by Beats Broke artist Arts the Beatdoctor.”
Freestlye Rap Battle: Translated
For those of you who don’t understand the language of hip-hop, the following video will translate what is being said during a rap battle.
This is also what I sound like when I freestyle.
Q-Tip is back with “The Renaissance”
Q-Tip is about to drop his first full-length album in nine years!!! The much anticipated record, entitled “The Renaissance”, will be released via Universal / Motown on November 4 (the same day as the US general election).
The newly released single is called Getting Up, and and Tip is sounding just as good as ever. If the rest of the album is anything like this, it could be a contender for album of the year.
However, we must take into account the KoRn feature which rounded out “Amplified” last time around. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?!? SHAME ON YOU TIP. SHAME ON YOU DILLA. It took me these nine long years to get that sour taste out of my mouth!
My concern is the political-tinged release date of “The Renaissance” and it’s album opening Obama sample could be a bad start to another potentially banging record, especially considering the test of time (and a plausible McCain victory). Let’s all just pray that Jonathan Davis doesn’t appear on that Barack track.
And here’s a little something extra to remember how sweet life used to be… selects “Progressions” as Song of the Day selected Arts The Beatdoctor’s track “Progressions” as their song of the day. Rule!
There are a lot of countless music blogs out there which simply rehash goings on, but these guys really have it down. I’ve yet to find another site which matches the quality and focus as YYY. Everything on there is money, and we’re honored that they would select our music.
Also check out their exclusive podcasts. They’re free to download, and will blow your brain.
Fantastic ‘Fresh Prince’ Parody
Here’s a fantastic Fresh Prince of Bel-Air parody music video I have to share called “The Old Prince Still Lives at Home.” It’s by a rapper named Shad out of London, Ontario.
The executive is perfect; Shad nailed the opening title sequence scene for scene. The song itself is also bump-worthy, despite being upstaged by the concept and visuals. Exciting.
Beats Broke is for the Children
No, that’s not a pillow tucked up underneath that Analog T-Shirt – it’s Inf’s upcoming release.
Dropping (literally…am I right ladies?) in less than two months, Inf and Neeta will unveil to the world their first child. Though, they’re keeping the baby’s name a secret until it’s born, they wanted to let everyone know that IT’S A BOY!!! Inf added, “He is going to be an emcee.”
Congratulations to you both! We’re excited to welcome your upcoming bundle of joy into the Beats Broke family!
“Progressions” On-Sale at
Progressions is now on-sale at They are carrying the title for only $9.97.
While you’re there, treat yourself by pre-ordering the Madvillain boxset for $129.97. Looks like Stones Throw just raised the bar on us; we’ll have to include a dozen tulips and a free pair of wooden shoes with Inf’s next album to outshine them.
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